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Top 3 deadliest animal families

                 “BE positive, BE strong and be resourceful-the world 
                            really is what you make of it”
                                                                                 Bear Grylls      

Hi folks, I am back with top 3 organisms which are so 
ferocious and deadliest creatures in the world. All these three organisms live as families, they may be tiny, but if someone tried to reach their colonies and intrude them they don’t hesitate to attack. Warning! Don’t try to touch their families or else you will defiantly have a bad day!!.


There are more than 12000 ant species in the world some of them are really dangerous. Many of you may think what these tiny creatures going to do? If you disturb them. You will be astonished after you finish off this post. An ant can lift 20 times its own body weight. If a second grader was as strong as an ant, he would be able to pick up a car!. Driver ants are one of the deadliest creatures in the world. Even large mammals are feared of this tiny insect. They often called as death machines. Usually, they move from one place to another in search of food not to mention they are carnivorous they will eat anything on their way. The army of driver ants consists of 200000 to 22 million per colony. Just imagine if a large animal is surrounded by an army of 22 million ants!. They form a column with attack ants posted as sentinels on either side so that the worker ants can run through in the middle. These ants are smart. When driver ants are on the move, they behave as almost a super organism. Don't accidentally step on one of these guys, unless you want to be swarmed by millions of ants.



There are more than 20000 bee species in the world. They are called as social organisms. They live in their hive made up of wax.Their hive consists of a queen, drone bees and worker bees where worker bees and queen bees are females and queen bees only can reproduce. It is one of the very aggressive and dominant insects in the world. Killer bees their name itself says everything. They are slightly smaller than the normal honey bees so they have less venom. What makes this killer unique is their numbers. Usually, their hive consists of more than 80000 bees. They can sting repeatedly on their victims. The killer bees mainly target the face, nose and eyes of the victims. Once they get disturbed, the bees become alerted for next 24 hours and would attack any animals or humans that come within their range.

Sea orcas.

Sea orcas belong to a family of dolphins. They are usually
called as killer whales. This tank sized mammals live as families and it’s a social organism. Orcas travel in groups called pods. Pods usually consist of 5 - 30 whales, although some pods may combine to form a group of 100 or more. Orcas establish social hierarchies, and pods are led by females. No other sea creature can defeat this brilliant sea mammal. They can eat anything on their way, it includes sharks too. They are the shrewdest sea creature in the universe. They usually interconnect their families with a particular sound. However, now psi power of single orca is not estimated but recent surveys have sounded out a male orca can have the power of 19000! Psi per bite if it has confirmed, then consider how powerful a whole family is. Alas, this beautiful family is hunted for their meat and it’s listed in endangered species.
