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Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
                                                               Albert Einstein.

Hi everyone, this time I have come up one the most enduring questions of all time. After you finish off this topic you will have clear variation between science and religion or culture. These are top 3 places where science coexists with religion. It’s an unending war between science and religion some say science is everything and there is no God. I am one among them but I had great faith in God. What? I know many of you scratching your heads right now scroll down to get your answers and don’t forget to share your knowledge.

Evolution of man

Evolution of mankind is still a conspiracy for many.Charles Darwin a naturalist, developed this concept back in the 18th century, but will you believe me saying it was developed even before Darwin. In the theory of evolution, Darwin explained that all species in the world came from a single cell organism, but he doesn’t have an answer for that one question, not only him an even greatest scientist in the world doesn’t have the answer for that one question. Where did that single celled organism come from? Who created that organism?. If you have answer feel free to tell me am also waiting for that answer like many. About 540 million years ago the first fishes appeared on earth. In the same way, according to Hindu Vedic scripts Vishnu, the saviour gods take his first incarnation called Matsya the fish to save the earth in Satya Yuga--the Golden Age. In the same way, each evolution coexists which the incarnation of gods from reptiles to humans. It’s amazing that everything is perfectly coexisting. In a simple way, we can say mythology is the easiest way to teach science. In the same way, the ages classified by scientist matches with Vedic scripts.

We have seen much information about space in the previous post but one thing I never mentioned in the post can you guess?. The big bang the biggest theory, still now many scientists waiting to get an answer, it is the biggest discovery of human still now no one knows what happened before the big bang. This is the place where the existence of God comes. Simply the place where science fails where will be God. Ok, let me tell you how the planetary system coexists with the gods. We know the first planet in our solar system is Mercury the fastest planet in our solar system, it takes 88 Earth days to complete one revolution. That’s why Romans called Mercury the speedy messenger of gods. Venus the twin sister of earth called as gods of love and beauty because it has the same mass and size of our earth. Mars due to its red colour Romans consider it has the warrior gods. Jupiter the king of gods which literally protect our earth from asteroids through its gravitational force. Just think of all latest technologies we found out planets, its size and behaviour, but how could Roman, Greeks and Tamil civilisations mentioned about it accurately and consider them gods and worshipped. still now in many Indian temples, we can see Nava Karakas which is nothing but the nine planets. The way they teach their science is amazing the tradition they follow it's astonishing they can accurately predict full moon day of the year 2050.
World’s end

 We have seen many info’s on the blog about world’s end let’s see how it coexist with religion and culture according to Indian Vedic scripts the world will end once the Kalki the last incarnation of Lord Vishnu born.Literally, we are in the last age of earth still there will be few billion years.Researchers have mentioned that the earth will be destroyed by the sun in few billion years. Not only Vedic scripts even the holy books like Bible and Quran has mentioned something about world’s end. We always thought wrongly about world’s end we think that the world will end at a single boom! As mentioned in holy books the ending will start with unusual climates, mass deaths and so on.Unfortunately, everything is happening now.
