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expensive materials

    The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams. 
                                          Oprah Winfrey

Hi everyone, hope all are excellent this time I have come with some crazy stuff. Let’s start this post with a question which is the costliest material in the world? Gold no, Diamonds defiantly no, Platinum are bit costly but I will say hell no!. These materials look like worthless, but they are so expensive. After you finished reading this post you will defiantly have a shocked face and most of you may not believe me. Let’s get into the topic of top 3 most expensive materials in the earth. Scroll down to know more and don’t forget to share your knowledge. Kind advice, girls please don’t ask these stuff to your loved one.


  Can anyone guess how much a 100 grams of antimatter cost? I will tell you in the end. Before going to the expensive side, let’s take a look at what is antimatter how much it is useful. Scientists have predicted that our earth and universe are formed by matter and antimatter particles. Simple words matter has a positive charge and antimatter has a negative charge when these interconnect each other it forms a huge energy. A scientist has said that there is no antimatter in this universe when the earth formed, you can ask me where all the antimatter has gone? The answer is the matter particles are much more than the antimatter particles simple! Remember these antimatter particles are discovered by scientists and it’s used in the medical industries. Can you guess how much energy a gram of antimatter particles produce. I will tell you I single gram of antimatter particle produce the energy of Hiroshima nuclear attack!. OK, let’s finish this I hope you have some marginal amount of this material it’s not in millions, billions. Antimatter in the future could be used as fuel for space ships to other planets. The problem is that its production requires a very precise technology, and to create only 1 gram, the world would have to work a whole year. It’s 70 trillion! per gram even if we have collected all money from top countries v can’t buy antimatter. Surprised right!.
Bucky balls

The second costliest material in the world. It was a lab made material made in 1985 by a trio of researchers working out of Rice University named Richard Smalley, Harry Kroto, and Robert Curl.Buckyballs are composed of carbon atoms linked to three other carbon atoms by covalent bonds. However, the carbon atoms are connected in the same pattern of hexagons and pentagons you find on a soccer ball, giving a buckyball the spherical structure. The cost of the Bucky balls increased because it’s very rare and small and used especially in the GPS. It is used in atomic clocks for accurate GPS systems. The GPS is working based on the signal received from the satellite in case if there is problem receiver we can’t get accurate information.By using this new material atomic clocks can be shrunk like micro chips and easily be incorporated into watches, mobile phones so on wait I never mentioned it’s cost right. It’s just 22000 Pounds per gram as compared it’s cost just 110 billion per gram.

It was first produced by Stanley Thompson, Kenneth Street, Albert Ghiorso and Glenn Seaborg in 1950 in California, USA. Californium is a synthetic radioactive silvery-white metal of moderate chemical reactivity with the melting point of 900 degrees. It is also used in oil,  gold and silver industries. Funny thing about this material is you can cut it with a razor blade. It is one of the strongest neutrons emitters used in nuclear start up and theses are extremely dangerous. It is also used for cancer treatments but I am telling you don’t like to see the hospital bill after you have been by treated by californium. No one will buy californium in grams it will sell only in micrograms because no one will pay 27 US dollars for one micro gram it’s cost 27 million dollars per gram.
